
Time: 20

200m Run
10 Dead bugs
15 Air Squats
10 RKBS (Light)
15 Partner Box Push-ups
20 Partner Wall-balls (both partners next to each other, throwing wall ball off target to their partner)

Part 1
Time: 40
Primary: Electricity - Secondary: Plumbing

In Partners: (40 min CAP)
100 TTB-> Knee raises
100 Wall Balls 20/14-> 14/10-> 10/4-> Air Squats
100 Russian KBS 53/35-> 35/26-> 26/18
100 Burpees-> Bodybuilders-> BB to box
Every Break/switch Run 200m

Every time the partners are going to switch, one partner stopping the movement and the other beginning, they must run 200m. Also before starting the next movement they must run 200m. This is going to be mostly plumbing with some ventilation mixed in there with the running. The degree of each is going to depend on how big their sets are.

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