
Time: 15

SMR Lats and Pecs (7 min)
10 inch worms
12 Box Push-ups
10 KB Press (one arm at a time)

Part 1
Time: 15
Primary: Plumbing - Secondary: Electricity

Press Progression 3×8; 2 min rest
Last set AMRAP

Increase 5lbs over last week, keeping weight the same for each set. Last set is AMRAP – as soon as you cannot maintain sets across, or hit the same rep on AMRAP, drop to lower rep set.
Bring your journal and compare to last week! (NOTE: watch the video I did on this progression in the Legion Group)
EXAMPLE: Week 1: 105/8, 8, 10 – Week 2:110/8, 8, 9 – Week 3: 115/8, 8, 8 – Week 4: 120/5, 5, 7 – Week 5: 125/5, 5, 6 – Week 6: 130/5, 5, 4 – Week 7: 135/3, 3, 4

Part 2
Time: 30
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

Running Clock on the 3:00 mark
400m Run (0:00) (6:00) (12:00)
500m row (3:00) (9:00) (15:00)

Same Clock Starting at 21:00 mark

1 min AMRAP:
Toes to bar-> Knee Raises
30″” rest
1 min AMRAP:
Double Unders-> Singles
30″” rest

*Score is total number of reps of Ttb and DU combined*

Compare to last week and you’ll notice an additional interval for the row and run portion. 2 instead of 3…the goal is to beat all of last week’s times, WITH increase in number of intervals… can you do it? Go right into the core and double-under work with a goal of doing each unbroken. Only the best athletes will be capable of that.

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