
Time: 15

Hip/Glute SMR (6 min)
10 Banded Side Steps (each way)
10 One-leg Glute Bridges (each side)
10 Air Squat 30X1
10 Kettle Bell Swings

Hotshots 19 Warm-up
200m Run
5 Broad jumps
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Ring Rows
10 Air Squats

Part 1
Time: 15
Primary: Plumbing - Secondary: Electricity

Squat Endurance
Less than OI:
10 minutes 30s on/30s off Alt:
1: Goblet Squats
2: Front Step Lunges
OI-B: 3×8 Bulgarian Split Squats
B<: 20 Rep Back Squats

Weight should be added to the bulgarian split squats and 20 Rep squats as compared to last week. Members may test their squat endurance during this portion if previously untested OR if coach approves a level up attempt.

Part 2
Time: 30
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

4 Rounds For Time:
20 Thrusters 65/45->55/35->45/25->Goblet Squat
15 RKBS 53/35->44/26->35/18
10 Burpees->Bodybuilders->To Box


Time-Allotted: 45 Minutes
See notes for adjustments

Hot Shots 19
6 Rounds For Time
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans 135/95 lb->115/85->95/65->Kettlebell Swings
7 Strict Pull-Ups->14 Ring Rows
400 meter Run

High berathing is the focus on this one – scale appropriately to ensure consistent movement with maintained (not spiked) hr. Thrusters should be broken into no more than 2 sets, burpees should be done steady.

Hot Shots 19: If doing the Hero Workout then just do the Hero Workout and follow the hero workout warm-up. Since testing is coming up soon let members know that they will have the opportunity to see the final outcome of the Squat Endurance cycle very soon! They should expect this to be a long and grueling workout, and should embrace this. Use Weightlifting level as a guide for scaling power cleans.

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