
Time: 20

5 Scap Pull-ups
5 Ring Rows
5 Scap Push-ups
10 Air Squats @ 2020
50 Single-unders

Part 1
Time: 20
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

Test Running
Test Kettlebell


12 min AMRAP:
200m run
10 Burpees->Bodybuilders->To Box
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35->35/26->26/18

For Running keep pace consistent as well as breathing. For mile: Stay conservative on the first 800m, it is better to have some gas left in the tank half way through than to drop off completely.


For Kettlebell: Athletes should keep their form in mind throughout the 10 minute EMOM in order to save their lower back. The better the form the more likely they will make it to the end. Remind them to BREATHE.

Part 2
Time: 20
Primary: Electricity - Secondary: Electricity

Test Flexibility


2 min Hip Flexor Stretch e/s
2 min SMR Lats e/s
2 min Straddle Stretch
x 2

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