
Time: 15

Glute/Quad SMR (6 min)
15 Banded RDL
15 Goblet Squats
10 Box Push-ups

Part 1
Time: 30
Primary: Electricity - Secondary: Plumbing

Test Deadlift
Test Front Squat


Work on weakest of the two levels:
3×8; 2min Rest b/t Sets
Building weight


Test Upper Body Pull
Test Upper Body Push


Work on weakest of the two levels:
Blue<: 3×3 Weighted Pull-ups; 2min Rest b/t Sets
Blue>: 3×5 Negatives; 2min Rest b/t Sets

Blue< :3×8 Strict Press; 2min Rest b/t Sets
Blue> : 20s on/40s off Push-ups x8

Front Squat/UB Pulling: Athletes should focus on keeping good position throughout the front squat, especially focus on this while building up. Build up slow on both the upper body pull and the front squat, make sure the nervous system is ready to handle a maximal load if going to a 1-rep.


Deadlift/UB Pushing: Athletes should focus on keeping perfect form throughout the deadlift and press. Build up slow on both the upper body push and the deadlift, make sure the nervous system is ready to handle a maximal load if going to a 1-rep.

Part 2
Time: 15
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

Test Lactic Tolerance
Test Upper Body/Lower Body Endurance


Hang Power Cleans 95/65->75/55->55/35->Kettlebell Swings
Burpees over Bar->Bodybuilders->To Box

Lactic Tolerance: Athletes should prepare to be uncomfortable. Push into the discomfort and hold a fast pace. Break-up sets early, but try to go unbroken in the last round and leave it all out there.


Upper Body/Lower Body Endurance: Athletes should expect this to be mainly stamina with some breathing if fairly proficient at the movements. Remind athletes to break up sets early so that they do not reach failure in the later rounds. Also remind them to watch their form on their deadlifts throughout the Test.

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