
Time: 20

Lat/Scap SMR (8 min)
5 Inch Worms
10 Box Push-ups
20 Banded Tricep Extensions

Part 1
Time: 15
Primary: Electricity - Secondary: Plumbing

3×10 Strict Press; 2 min Rest

This is Strength Endurance, but there could be some burning in the shoulders and triceps towards the end of the sets. Members should focus on perfect form and full lock out overhead. Members can build each set, the last set should be a tough set of 10 (close to a max set).

Part 2
Time: 25
Primary: Plumbing - Secondary: Ventilation

LT (13 min)
4 minute AMRAP
12 Thrusters 95/65->75/55->55/35->45/25
12 Burpees over Bar->Bodybuilders->To Box


This should be 100% effort, heavy breathing and HIGH heart rate (95%), with a full body lactic/burning feeling by the end. Scale so that members are able to reach this feeling, use LT level to choose thruster weight.

Core (12 min)
Accumulate 3 minutes in L-Sit
Every Break= 15 Sit-ups
Score is total time



Scale the L-sit to knee raise hold in between boxes. Knees/Legs should be at parallel while holding, try to maintain quality throughout. Scale to finish within 10 minutes. This should BURN.

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