
Time: 20

7 minutes: Pizza Box Game – penalty is 5 airsquats, 3 burpees

+ 10 minutes: Wallsquats, high quality, slow and controlled 10 reps Technique: Quick review doubleunder and hang power clean

Part 1
Time: 20
Primary: Plumbing - Secondary: Electricity

Back Squat (Goblet Squats if <YIII on Squat Endurance)
2min rest b/t sets


Notes: this is Strength Endurance. Warmup with a bar, build the weight until you’re at a comfortable set of 12 weight. Build each set so the last set is tough. Try to rest as close as possible to 2 minutes.

Part 2
Time: 20
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

5 Rounds
50 Double-unders->100 Singles->50 Singles
12 Box Jumps 24/20->20/14->Step-ups
12 Hang Power Cleans 95/65->75/55->55/45->KBS

Notes: you should be able to continuously breathe on this and keep moving. Breath rate should be high, strong, and smooth, but you shouldn’t be sprinting out of the gate. This system is considered aerobic power, and in the Level Method system

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