
Time: 12

Upper Erector/Rhomboid SMR (8 min)
Poisonberry Ball (10 min)
*in this video they ARE bouncing intentionally so you can do this variation too. think of tennis- a row of boxes is the “net”. Each team is on either side, use a 10# WB to throw at opposing team- if opposing team catches it the game keeps going- throwing back and forth until someone misses- When someone misses the catch or if it hits the “net” that’s a point for your team and the opposing team gets a penalty movement. CATCH is- after you throw the ball you have to complete a burpee and key is to do it FAST before the other team throws at you. First to 3 points wins!
200m Jog
10 Russian Kbs
5 Pull-ups->8 Jumping Pull-ups

Part 1
Time: 15
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

3 Rounds
400m Run
21 American Kbs 53/35->44/26->35/18->Russian
12 Pull-ups->21 Jumping Pull-ups->12 Jumping Pull-ups

The classic CrossFit benchmark. This workout should be very high pace and very uncomfortable. Breathing should be heavy and heart rate should be at or above 95%. Athletes should be really trying to push their limits on this one.

Part 2
Time: 15
Primary: Plumbing - Secondary: Plumbing

4 Rounds NFT
AMRAP unbroken strict knee to elbow->Knee Raises
50 Double-unders or 90s min DU practice

Chase the burn on the knee to elbow, sets are expected to decrease in reps each set. The 50 double-unders should be done in under 90s, after the 90s move back to the strict knee to elbow.

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