
Time: 30

Quad SMR (8 min)
“Crabby Collector” (10 min)
Line up all 10 wall balls in the center- team starts on opposite ends of the gym (10m away from wall balls). At “go” one person from each team crab walks to the line of balls, puts in their lap and crab walks back to their side, when they cross the next person from the team can go. Team that collects 5 wall balls the fastest wins
5 Inch Worms
12 Air Squats
12 DB Press w/light Dbs
8 Hanging Knee Raises

Part 1
Time: 15
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

In 12 minutes
Buy-in: 1km row
In remaining time AMRAP:
25 Thrusters 45/35->35/25->25/15
10 Toes-to-bar->Hanging Knee Raises

Members should hit the 1k row at about 85-90% of perceived effort so that they are able to start the thrusters immediately after. 90% effort should be maintained throughout the entire workout, and get progressively more difficult as time passes. This can also have a local stamina element in the quads and abs, scale in order to hold intensity.

Part 2
Time: 15
Primary: Plumbing - Secondary: Ventilation

Sled Push
20-30m Push
3 min rest

If no sled is available, substitute Airbike, Ski Erg, or Burpee sprints.

These should be all out efforts, FAST – the goal is try to move sled as fast as possible in each bout. Each sled push should take between 10-15s, adjust weight to achieve this.

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