
Time: 20

Banded Lat Stretch (90s each side)
Banded Across Body Rear Delt Stretch (90s each side)
10 Kettlebell Press
10 Banded External Rotation
10 Box Push-ups
Prior to LT:
10 Front Squats w/ Barbell
10 Bodybuilders
10 Ring Rows
10 Thrusters w/ Barbell

Part 1
Time: 15
Primary: Electricity - Secondary: Plumbing

3×5 Strict Press (Building)
2 minute rest b/t sets
(Reference week 5 and try to end heavier)

Use the heaviest weight achieved in week 5 of this cycle as a reference point. Do 1-2 warm-up sets prior to the first official set of 5 and focus on a straight bar path and finish with arms locked directly overhead. Holding perfect technique is crucial when the weight starts to get heavier. Make sure a coach or another member is watching on the last set to make sure form stays tight, if form breaks the weight should be racked and the set is over.

Part 2
Time: 25
Primary: Plumbing - Secondary: Ventilation

4 minute AMRAP
8 Thrusters 95/65->75/55->55/35
10 Burpees->Bodybuilders->To Box
12 Pull-ups->15 Jumping Pull-ups->12 Jumping Pull-ups

LT stands for Lactic Tolerance, and it’s pretty synonymous with high levels of discomfort (if you’re familiar with the MAP). Short, brutal, painful. In order to elicit the right response, you’ve got to go hard. We don’t these sorts of workouts often… so it’ll be time to “go there” on it. Movement should be unbroken, and remain unbroken if possible. Stay fluid – we say “stay smooth” a lot, and it remains true here. The goal is to inch closer to the full body “Lactic”/burning feeling and finally reach it at the end. This means that pacing should reflect this and be sustainable for all 4 minutes, you DO NOT want to reach that feeling too soon. Even if a member is BII+ on UB Pulling they must be able to do close to unbroken sets on pull-ups or this will derail the workout.

Tabata Mash x2
Bent Hollow hold


This will burn, and it’s meant to. Core stamina. Try to maintain unbroken 20s holds for as long as possible, 8 minutes is a long time. The focus should still be on perfect positions and not breaking form for the entire tabata. Emphasize core engagement the entire time as well and watch those butts on the planks!

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