Legion Education Social Posts

Legion Education Social Posts (20)

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Legion Education Social Posts🔥

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Core & Coordination | Annie

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
(4A) Core & Coordination: Annie⠀⠀⠀
This category tests coordination , timing and endurance via double-unders and abmat sit-ups – culminating in the workout "Annie" with unbroken movements and fast transitions.⠀ ⠀
The progression starts with single-jumps and assisted/banded or anchored situps, then builds to more challenging tasks, including strict knees-to-elbows to ensure necessary midline strength and endurance. The athlete is rewarded early for practicing and attaining the skill of doubleunders.⠀ ⠀
GHD sit-ups are not allowed until competence in Annie at PURPLE I (Version 2) is demonstrated. This standard ensures that an athlete has the midline development to handle the potency of the GHD sit-up.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Lower Body Push Endurance | Squat

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀
(3B) Lower Body Push Endurance: Squat⠀
Squatting is on of the most functional human movements. This category starts with basic bodyweight familiarity, then progressively stresses endurance. Ankle and hip flexibility may need to be developed to ensure proper depth at this level.⠀ ⠀
Following basic bilateral bodyweight squat endurance, unilateral strength (split squat on a tempo) is tested before moving to highrep weighted backsquats; this ensures balance between sides and the necessary development of stabilizers. Even athletes who have squatting proficiency must not neglect stabilization development. The split squat is done at a percentage of bodyweight in each hand.⠀ ⠀
After this comes the infamous 20-rep squat, ‘widow-makers,’ a test of strength endurance and mental toughness that has a strong and productive history in the iron game. This test done with a percentage of bodyweight on the bar, commencing at BROWN III with 90 and 100 percent (M/F) of bodyweight.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#levelmethod #levelmethodlegion #FitnessLevelUp #LevelUp #progress #crossfit #whatsyourlevel #assessaddressprogress #fitness #crushyourgoals #fitnessgoals #crossfitlove #instacrossfit⠀#squat #lowerbodypush #endurance


Upper Body Strength & Endurance | Rings

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀
(3B) Upper Body Strength & Endurance: Rings⠀⠀
Rings teach and build body control and awareness, upper body stability, coordination, and relative strength. Very similar to the progressions in Upper Body Pull, the requirement for a strict ring dip comes early - near the time when someone gets their first Chin Up and Pull Up (ORANGE I/ORANGE III). The ultimate goal of this long progression is mastery over 30 ring muscle-ups for time.⠀ ⠀
Basic familiarization and stabilization is the initial focus, followed by competence with bodyweight. The bodyweight Rind Dip then progresses to a single with an added percentage of bodyweight (BLUE III/PURPLE II). Once the weighted strict ring dip and weighted strict pull- up are developed, the strength exists for a ring muscle-up, and practice will bring the skill. ⠀
After a single ring muscle-up comes the requirement to string them together. This adds the complexity of controlling the body through space and increases skill in timing and rhythm - that is, coordination. Mastery in this category culminates with 30 muscle-ups for time, bringing everything together while also testing upper body push/pull endurance.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Speed & Power | Weightlifting

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀(Based off Version 2 levels)⠀
Speed & Power: Weightlifting⠀⠀
The main goal of this testing category is to assess explosive hip drive, speed, coordination, and functional flexibility. The first goal is to establish basic, athletic hip extension. Similar to how there are no 1 rep maxes until PURPLE in the Deadlift (1A) and the Front Squat (2A) , the Snatch and Clean & Jerk is not tested for 1 rep max until PURPLE II.⠀

The progression starts with Russian Kettlebell Swings (RKBS), which are not demanding technically but require good foundational movement. Next, come Hang Power Clean (HPC), which introduces the element of rhythm, coordination, elbow speed, transferable hip drive patterns, and overall athleticism. After demonstrating competence here, the athlete can move to a heavy single Power Clean (PC) from the ground - furthering experience in 1) generating power through an explosive single rep, 2) applicable coordination, and 3) elbow speed. Progress from BROWN I to BROWN II is transformative and assumes that Snatch and Clean & Jerk technique have been introduced and practiced with lightweight during earlier levels.⠀

Early technique work develops the foundational neurological elements required for success with the weightlifting total in later levels.⠀

The weightlifting total can be combined between the Snatch and Clean & Jerk in whatever way reaches the required total. To post a total, the two movement’s scores can, but need not be, done on the same day.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Pull & Push Endurance | Diane

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀

(2C) Pull & Push Endurance - Diane⠀

The two functions of this category are tested via Diane: Lower Body Pull Endurance, Upper Body Push Endurance & elements of Lactic Tolerance if an athlete has good "plumbing."⠀

Testing is at the same level as the current Upper Body Pushing (2B) & Deadlift (2A) scores - defaulting to whichever is lower, to ensure that safety and time domain is met. Handstand pushups don’t come in until a specific level of overhead strength is mastered for both male and female. Like Fran, Diane is initially scaled, which ensures that the tested elements of Lower Body Pull Endurance & Upper Body Push Endurance don’t deviate from the goal of appropriately taxing the entire body.⠀

An athlete who fails to meet the time domain must retest at a lower level until the target is met. This will better expose weaknesses and give the client clearer training goals.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Upper Body Push | Pushup/Press/Handstand Pushup

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀
Upper Body Push (2B)⠀

The progressions start with bodyweight pushing competence (push-up and variations), moves to pushing endurance, then to vertical (overhead) barbell pressing at ORANGE III. The press progresses linearly until the athlete can do a single strict inverted press (handstand push-up).⠀

Once competence in inverted pressing for reps is established, the athlete moves back to vertical barbell pressing.⠀

Some athletes will be able to press high percentages of BW but not perform a high number of strict handstand push-ups. This is usually due to improper technique/ activation or overhead mobility issues. Inverted pressing is a necessary strength and skill, and should be worked diligently.⠀

Clients may not do high rep kipping handstand push-ups prior to the strict version.⠀

Some athletes may have the ability to test at a high level in pressing, but lack the muscular endurance to do the tabata pushups in ORANGE. This is self-correcting because, without the necessary pushing endurance, the athlete will never meet the Diane requirements at high levels.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#levelmethod #levelmethodlegion #FitnessLevelUp #LevelUp #progress #crossfit #whatsyourlevel #assessaddressprogress #fitness #crushyourgoals #fitnessgoals #crossfitlove #instacrossfit⠀#upperbodypush #pushup


Lactic Tolerance | Fran

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀
Lactic Tolerance: Fran⠀⠀
True lactic Tolerance (LT) is synonymous with pain -- thus Fran is a dreaded and popular fitness challenge, effective for testing lactic tolerance along with grip and upper body pull endurance.⠀

The goal of this category is to allow the athlete to move fast and intensely enough to experience true lactic ‘burn;’ this is initially tested using the lower of the Front Squat (1A) or Upper Body Pull (2A) level. As noted, to safeguard against preventable injuries, high rep kipping pull-ups are not allowed until a weighted pullup with 25 and 15 percent (M/F) of bodyweight (15 & 11% for Version 2 users) has been attained.⠀

In early levels, the required ‘Fran’ intensity is best achieved through jumping pull-ups and a full-body pushing variation (either burpees or thrusters). This gives RELATIVE feelings at all levels. The athlete’s weaknesses will be exposed early on in this way, and time constraints must be met in order to ensure that the right intensity is attained. Athletes who do not meet the time domain must later retest at a lower level. This will focus on the client's training and better expose weaknesses.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀
#levelmethod #levelmethodlegion #FitnessLevelUp #LevelUp #progress #crossfit #whatsyourlevel #assessaddressprogress #fitness #crushyourgoals #fitnessgoals #crossfitlove #instacrossfit⠀#lactictolerance #fran


Upper Body Pull | Pull-up

*Level Category Discussion*⠀

Upper Body Pull: Pull-up⠀

A well-rounded athlete must be competent in this function. ⠀

The Level Method tests bodyweight-strength in early levels and relative maximal strength (CP) in later levels. It also helps prevent damage to the shoulder girdle during high rep kipping pull-ups, by first building the scapula and lat/shoulder strength and stability.⠀

The Level Method builds foundational strength via chin-over-bar holds, and early on in the progression requires a strict tempo pullup, which transitions to a weighted pull-up with a percentage of bodyweight hung in later levels.⠀

This category is integrated into the Lactic Tolerance/Fran category and workout, and kipping pull-ups are not allowed until the PURPLE II standard is achieved:⠀
weighted pull-up at 15 and 11 percent (M/F) of bodyweight. ⠀

Before that, only jumping pullups, and jumping chest to bar pull-ups are permitted for Fran, and the classic Rx Fran isn’t seen until PURPLE II in Lactic Tolerance.⠀
This is vital for athlete safety and athletic longevity.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀
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Lower Body Push & Lower Body Pull | Front Squat & Deadlift

Using the Level Method MAP (Map of Athletic Progression) both the Deadlift and the Front Squat test absolute strength.⠀

The deadlift is a test of maximal ‘brute’ strength with a functional categorization of ‘Lower Body Pull.’ ⠀
The front squat requires more mobility and core strength, with a function categorization of ‘Lower Body Push' and it has carry-over into Olympic Weightlifting.⠀
We use both Deadlift and Front Squat to assess different aspects of strength in an athlete, but the WAY we "test" these movements depend on the athlete's level (are they a beginner or have they tested into more advance levels on the MAP?) ⠀
An example of how we adjust tests to match the client is: ⠀
Before PURPLE there are no 1 rep maxes. Any competent strength coach understands that to test a beginner in a 1RM is at best useless, and in any case, irresponsible. The Central Nervous⠀
System (CNS) must be developed to the point where a strong contraction makes sense and is safe. For the beginner, that quality has not been developed.⠀

The MAP ensures that clients will not be maxing until they reach the meaningfully competent Level in the respective categories. ⠀
Until then, the client develope strength and proper motor patterns in reps of 8s, 5s, eventually 3s and finally singles! ⠀

If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀
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The Level Method Introduction Session

When a gym works with a prospective client in their first session, or Introductory Session, the goal of the Level Method Intro is two fold:⠀ ⠀
1) show clients they HAVE A PLACE, at the gym and on the MAP; ⠀
2) give them a clear roadmap of exactly where they can arrive and what they can achieve. ⠀
Most gyms have an “Intro” process that consists of an overview of the program, a tour, and a workout. All too often, the client leaves that workout confused or discouraged.⠀
“I can’t do a pullup.”⠀
“Wow, I’m not sure I belong here!”⠀
“So, how good was that?”⠀
How are such questions to be answered? "You did great...for you" ? "Good- in relation to someone else" ?...⠀ Most people are so out of shape that simply doing SOMETHING is impressive. And, IT IS! ⠀
But given this fact, the Level Method provides precision, clarity, reassurance, and an objective basis for comparison for the client to feel SECURE and certain of their next-steps. ⠀

The Level Method Intro Session consists of GROUP 1 of the MAP: Front Squat, Upper Body Pull, and Fran (or a very appropriate variation for the individual to elicit the feelings in the famous Lactic Tolerance workout).⠀

The client progresses through the Front Squat portion and follows up with Upper Body Pulling. Once those two scores are established we select the lowest level of the two, and use it for Fran - use discretion, especially with beginner athletes, and select a Fran variation that best suits them.⠀

No one fails to make it on the MAP, which is deeply encouraging to beginners. ⠀

They walk through the doors completely unprepared, go through the Level Method, and immediately know where they belong. 😅⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀
#levelmethod #levelmethodlegion #FitnessLevelUp #LevelUp #progress #crossfit #whatsyourlevel #assessaddressprogress #fitness #crushyourgoals #fitnessgoals #crossfitlove #instacrossfit⠀


Safety Parameters

The Level Method is a training system not only for gym members, but for coaches as well. ⠀
Built-in safety guards will prevent the new coach from giving incorrect, even dangerous advice. These safety⠀
precautions keep members healthy and uninjured, and also provide hard-set, unarguable rules.⠀

We all know clients who have been working out for X years and think they should Rx everything... but shouldn’t. When a wet-behind-⠀
the-ears coach has a battle-hardened veteran member, it can be a difficult situation - the coach’s authority may be undermined. The Level Method’s built-in safety parameters simply⠀
eliminate that scenario in a way that is healthy/safe for the client, and standards. We need standards! ⠀
For example, “No kipping pull-ups before BLUE II Upper-Body Pull score is attained.” Thereby, injury avoided!⠀

That’s just one example. There are multiple safety measures in place. The same strict standards hold true for the muscle-ups and⠀
for handstand push-ups - which must be performed strictly before kipping variations are allowed.⠀

Safety 👍 Goal-attainment 👊 & Standards 👌⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀
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Rule of 2

"The Rule of 2s is built into our App and is how an ""Overall Level"" is calculated. It is in place to further gamify the Level-Up process and give a⠀
little leniency by providing a small buffer. Meaning, nobody has to be perfect.⠀
What exactly does this mean? ...⠀

After a client has completed all testing, the app awards two ‘free’ stripes on each of the two LOWEST of the 15 category scores; then it calculates the current Overall Level. ⠀
Example: if an athlete has thirteen scores at the BLUE Level, and two scores at ORANGE II Level, the app credits those two ORANGE II scores as BLUE⠀
(Orange II plus I plus a transformative I more) and awards the client a Overall Level of BLUE. ⠀
If the client has three Orange II category levels, however, no dice... the client still has an Overall Level of Orange II. ⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀
#levelmethod #levelmethodlegion #FitnessLevelUp #LevelUp #progress #crossfit #whatsyourlevel #assessaddressprogress #fitness #crushyourgoals #fitnessgoals #crossfitlove #instacrossfit⠀⠀"


Who is the MAP Designed for?

The Level Method is ideal for folks who need guidance through the overwhelming amount of information bombarding them regarding how to be their BEST FIT SELF. ⠀
For athletes, the MAP identifies deficits objectively and visually. ⠀
It helps coaches deliver precise and accurate instruction, and therefore generates higher value.⠀

More specifically, the MAP was designed for progressing WHITE-to-PURPLE-range clients - otherwise known as 99.9% of people. The elite BROWN and BLACK Levels are not at all the priority, since these athletes may be presumed to have taken control of their own fitness and health, and represent a small fraction of gym members. Yet, even those higher-level athletes use the MAP to organize their own training and goals, or find it interesting as an organizing principle.⠀
👉Bottom line: The MAP was designed for beginners, intermediate, and advance people interested in health/fitness. ⠀
👉 & It gives CLARITY on how to be 🌟well-rounded🌟 in fitness (let's be real- what other program includes Flexibility as seriously as it does building muscle or increasing aerobic capacity?), stay SAFE, and PROGRESS 🏆⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀
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Method of Athletic Progression

🤩🗺📊 🌍⠀
...The Level Method is an innovative system to manage and progress clients in a group environment, individually, or on a large scale. ⠀
At its core is the MAP (Method of Athletic Progression), a comprehensive series of tests designed to accurately measure and promote fitness levels.⠀

There are seven broad Levels of achievement, from novice to expert, correlated to the belt ranks of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. 🥋⠀
Levels are determined by passing precise objective performance tests across the most meaningful categories of fitness.⠀

The Level Method has proven to be an extraordinarily powerful coaching tool that engages folks and keeps them safe. ⠀
🤩Best part is? -🗺the MAP is BACKED BY PROVEN DATA, 📊 and gym owners get to see their client's positive results WORLD WIDE 🌍⠀
#datadriven #levelmethod ⠀
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*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
(4C) Flexibility⠀

Flexibility is an excellent predictor of long-term health and functionality and too often goes ignored and untested. Level Method flexibility requirements ensure that as clients progress they can't be "fit" and also inflexible. They cannot be UNFIT in this vital area. The progression starts with functional mobility and after BLUE [in MAP version 2] moves to more comprehensive flexibility requirements.⠀⠀⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Aerobic Power | Running

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
(5A) Aerobic Power : Running⠀

Running, like squatting, is a fundamental human function, but it is easy to neglect in the functional fitness world. The progression starts in the early phases with 200 meter walk (Version 2 MAP), then 200 meter jog, into 400 meter run, and finally converts to mile time-trials at PURPLE. This can vary by athlete in terms of energy system (discussed later) and can blend aerobic and lactic systems. We categorize it as Aerobic Power, and the primary purpose is to bring focus to practicing, improving and testing the skill of running.⠀⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Aerobic Endurance | Rowing

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
(5B) Aerobic Endurance : Rowing⠀

Rowing is a full body, low impact, functional movement with a venerable history, ideal for testing aerobic endurance. The progression starts with the ability to continuously row for a given time (2 minutes, 6 minutes, 12 minutes and 20 minutes between levels WHITE & YELLOW II in the Version 2 MAP), then moves to max meters in 20 minutes for levels YELLOW III and above. This is done on a⠀
Concept 2 rower with the monitor set on “single time,” counting down.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Level Method Contest

Aerobic Power Intervals | Modified Fight Gone Bad

*Level Category Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
(5C) Aerobic Power Intervals : Modified Fight Gone Bad⠀⠀
This category tests overall conditioning, aerobic power and muscle endurance, via a ‘Fight Gone Bad’ variation: Hang Power Cleans rather than Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls, and Burpees instead of Rowing.⠀

The progression scales initial testing for WHITE & WHITE I athletes until basic competence is demonstrated in Front Squat (1A) and Squat Endurance (3C). At YELLOW & ORANGE Levels, box step-ups are allowed in place of box jumps. After BLUE, box jumps (w/ step down) are required and may be skipped only due to ankle, knee or hip issues.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Systematic Training | Programming Energy Systems (ES)

*Systematic Training Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Training Category: Programming Energy Systems (ES)⠀⠀⠀
Knowledge of the ten training systems is crucial in developing fitness templates and programs, and in the MAP they reveal the reasoning behind the prescription.⠀

Each of the 15 MAP categories fall primarily under 1-2 Energy Systems (ES) - and may evolve as an athlete evolves. For instance, as an athlete approaches the last levels of the Lactic Tolerance test, it’s likely that a greater percentage of aerobic energy will contribute to success and make the same effort less lactic. With that said, ES categorizations are calibrated to the dominant contributing ES of the majority.⠀

By developing all 15 categories, the athlete ensures complete fitness. This subject can go very deep, but the simplicity and effectiveness of the 80/20 rule is practical. The Level Method uses a 10-system framework, with sub categories when applicable. There are many nuances in Energy System science, it can get very complicated and does. We focus on the most practical, and applicable systems, and pull them into an integrated methodology.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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"Programming Energy Systems (ES)
10 Training Systems
1. Neurological Development (ND)"

*Systematic Training Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Training System: Neurological Development (ND)⠀

Dominance: Electricity⠀
Motor control, neuromuscular efficiency, accuracy, agility, balance, and coordination. This area Includes play and skill development around all areas of sport including pacing, strategy, and thinking patterns. In simple terms, this is brain development. It is myelin⠀
and electrically dominant with little to no cellular fatigue (plumbing).⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Programming Energy Systems (ES)
10 Training Systems
2. Creatine Phosphate (CP)

*Systematic Training Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Training System: Creatine Phosphate (CP)⠀
Dominance: Electricity⠀⠀
Short and high powered activity under ~20 seconds. High tension or very rapid activity with energy coming largely from phosphagen stores (ATP and CP). This is primarily where strength and speed gains are made. Ability to produce hard contractions relies on Central Nervous System (CNS) development. When lifting objects it's categorized by high tension and myofibril adaptation. Hypertrophy can occur here due to an increase in the size and number of sarcomeres within the myofibrils which significantly increase the ability to exert strength. Hard, powerful contractions with long, full rests, which creates an electrically dominant stimulus and trains the nervous system optimally. In cyclic exertion, ATP and CP contribute the fuel needed and should culminate before the accumulation of lactate (alactic).⠀
Neurological efficiency is trained and built here.⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Programming Energy Systems (ES)
10 Training Systems
3. CP Endurance (CPE)

*Systematic Training Discussion*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Training System: CP Endurance (CPE)⠀

Dominance: Electricity/Plumbing⠀

Develops the regenerative ability of the CP system OR trains the cellular system to take a larger work-load of strength/speed work. The mechanisms of this may be due to changes in muscle fiber contribution, nervous system changes, or simply an adaptation of supporting structures. Many consider this “Battery building” or CP Buffering work. Neurological “inefficiency” can be built here, which is necessary for attaining high levels in sport fitness due to the endurance nature of the sport. Using our analogy, we train this system in order to have our "plumbing" take some workload from "electricity", as well as training electricity to recover faster.⠀⠀
If you're a gym owner or member who's interested to incorporate Level Method to your current programs, watch our free webinar! Link in bio!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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