
Time: 25

Foot/Calf SMR (8 min)
5 inch worms
2 rounds
5 Broad Jumps
10 Russian Kbs
10 Leg Swings (forward-back)
10 Leg Swings (side-side)
Review Hang Power Clean

Part 1
Time: 20
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

13 minute AMRAP
5 Hang Power Clean 185/135->155/115->135/95->95/65->10 Russian Kbs
10 Burpee over bar->Bodybuilders->To Box
400m run

Athletes should try to keep their heart rate above 85%, with heavy breathing. This means the hang power cleans need to be tough, but unbroken. Use Weightlifting level as a guide for weight used, to go Rx they must be Purple or above on Weightlifting.

Part 2
Time: 15
Primary: Plumbing - Secondary: Plumbing

9 minute AMRAP
Accumulate as many DU’s as possible
EMOM: 15 Abmat Sit-ups
(start with sit-ups)

Athletes should go for unbroken sets all the way to the minute, and use the sit-ups as recovery. For those that still struggle with DU’s use this as a time to practice, with sit-ups as a mental break.

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