Time: 20
Quad and Hamstring SMR (10 min)
10 Air Squats
10 Scap Push-ups
10 Box Push-ups; 1s pause at bottom
10 Ring Rows
Quad and Hamstring SMR (10 min)
10 Air Squats
10 Scap Push-ups
10 Box Push-ups; 1s pause at bottom
10 Ring Rows
4 rounds for time:
50 Airsquats->To a box
35 Abmat Sit-ups
20 Push-ups->To Box
10 Strict Pull-ups->10 Banded Pull-ups->20 Ring Rows
This will be pure plumbing. Athletes should focus on fighting through the burn for as long as possible, particularly on the Airsquats and Sit-ups. Push-ups/Pull-ups may get close to failure, but attempt to do in unbroken sets.
Thrusters 115/75->95/65->75/55 -> 55/35
Athletes should go all out on this one and unbroken for the 40s. Should feel similar to the 30s max airbike.