Time: 20
Lat/Pec SMR (5 min)
10 Ring Rows; 2s pause at top
10 Box Push-ups
10 Air Squats; 2s pause at bottom
10 RDL w/Barbell
Lat/Pec SMR (5 min)
10 Ring Rows; 2s pause at top
10 Box Push-ups
10 Air Squats; 2s pause at bottom
10 RDL w/Barbell
3 Rounds: (25 min Cap)
20 Strict Pull Ups->30 Ring Rows
30 Dead Lifts 115/75->95/65->75/55->Kb DL
40 One Arm DB/KB Press 30/20->20/10 (minimum sets of 5 each side, should be broken equally, 40 total reps )
40 Goblet Squats 53/35->44/26->35/18
Screen reader support enabled.
Athletes should expect, and focus on, a deep burning in this one. Go for big sets and go as deep into that burn as possible. Remind athletes to focus on perfect form and full range of motion throughout.
For Time
25 Burpees over bar->15 Burpees over Bar->Bodybuilders->To Box
This should be all out, Burpees/Bodybuilders as fast as possible.