
Time: 25

Lower back/Glute SMR (10 min)
200m Run
30 Calf Raises
10 One arm Kettlebell Swings (e/s)
10 One-arm Kettlebell Presses (e/s)
Kettlebell Snatch Review

Part 1
Time: 15
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

Every 90s
16 Kettlebell Snatch 53/35->One-arm Kettlebell Swing->Kettlebell Swing
30 Doubleunders-> DU practice until 1min mark

Members should use this workout to practice their Double-unders for the Kettlebell Test. Use their Kettlebell level in order to scale correctly. If they still have not tested scale in order to hit the 16 reps unbroken on every interval. Members should scale Double-unders in order to finish by the 1 min mark of every interval.

Part 2
Time: 20
Primary: Ventilation - Secondary: Plumbing

4 Rounds
12 Deadlifts 225/155->185/135->165/115->135/95->105/75->Kettlebell Deadlifts
8 One-arm Dumbbell Push-Press each side 50/35->35/20->25/15
20 Step-ups 24/20->20/14

Members should expect this to be heavy breathing and high heart rate (90%+). Scale the deadlift weight based on UB/LB endurance level, as deadlifts should be done in no more than 2 sets. One-arm DB Push-press should be unbroken for each side. Scale in order to reflect this.

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